

(Pensée Oblique)

Claude Parent est en ce moment à la cité de l'architecture jusqu'au 02 mai. Cela laisse le temps d'aller voir une exposition complète sur l'œuvre du théoricien de la pensée oblique. Vous pourrez y remarquer une collection de dessins originaux de grands formats, parfois à la limite de la mauvaise science fiction, toutefois impressionnant au regard de certaines images virtuelles actuelles, plutôt esclaves de la machine que fruits de l'illustration d'un véritable propos utopique.

Drawing and Motive

"Much of the most memorable or most definitive architecture comes forth at a moment when a set of ideas exists as a form of attack: a retort to another set of ideas. The pressure of rethoric or drive needing to shout loudly, to insist, awaken reveal. The action will vary according to the temperament of the author and the means may well be highly conscious of the means used by the imagined adversary, wether this is an architect of an opposite persuasion or a sluggish and indifferent public. A parody of drawn mannerisms, or deliberately chosen 'cool' in response to hot, or sparse in response to complex, closely paralleling the architecture itself or its cultural background. Thus the extraordinary clarity, fierceness and buildable rhetoric of the work that came out of the immediate post-Revolutionnary Russia attacked on all fronts through composition, graphics, colour, film, music, material and, of course the power of the accompanying verbal rethoric. As such, it can be seen as a coherent piece. "

Peter Cook

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