

(Fractures Urbaines)

"Quelles réponses amener à la crise des banlieues ? Une plus grande mixité, un cadre de vie plus agréable peuvent-ils changer les choses ? Peut-être, mais force est de constater que 30 ans de politique de la ville n'ont pas amené les résultats escomptés. Pour le professeur Eckardt, tenter d'influencer ou de modifier artificiellement la structure sociale d'un quartier par des mesures architecturales ne résoud rien"

Via Counterfeit-mess

2 commentaires:

Bill Hawthorne a dit…


My name is Bill Hawthorne, and I represent maacenter.org, a leading web resource for asbestos exposure and mesothelioma cancer information. Our organization is dedicated to increasing awareness of the terrible health consequences of asbestos exposure.

I found your site through a search and decided to contact you because of its high green building presence which is extremely important in our movement. The promotion of how buildings—both commercial and residential should now be built using sustainable green products to avoid asbestos and mesothelioma as well as the awareness of past buildings and preventative steps in avoiding asbestos exposure are extremely important. My goal is to get a resource link on your site or even to provide a guest posting to be placed.

I look forward to hearing from you. Please feel free to check out our green building page at www.maacenter.org/asbestos/greenbuilding.php. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Bill Hawthorne
MAA Center is now on Twitter – follow us @maacenter

Flavien Menu a dit…

Funny guy!